Done With You

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You're selling a product or a service. Whether you're looking for customer 1 or 100, you could use some help finding customers, figuring out how to pitch them, or scale what you're doing.

I've sold 6 figure contracts, and generated $25m + in opportunities for companies like Braze and Medallia.

I do teardowns of businesses like yours and provide actionable steps for people to get to the next level of their sales process. You can read 40+ of these teardowns for free, and see what people have to say:

When you purchase, I'll send you to a survey asking about your company and any pressing sales priorities. In return, I'll send you a loom video within 48 hours where I usually speak on:

  • Where I'd go to find customers for your business
  • What I'd say to get them interested
  • Hypotheses I'd test to see best-fit customers and messaging
  • Show and recommend tools I've used to help you get to where you're trying to go
  • Give examples of where I've seen this work before
  • Strategy and mindset to take into this sales advice, and how to look at the data to determine what's successful and what isn't

Most often, the deliverable that comes out of these strategy sessions is a unique dataset or campaign that we craft for you.

If we can't deliver for you, you get your money back, no questions asked.

This product is not currently for sale.

A video walkthrough/teardown of how we'd solve your problem and the steps you can take.

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Done With You

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